Re: Factor

Factor: the language, the theory, and the practice.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

One of the interesting aspects of a concatenative language like Factor is that blocks of logic can be easily extracted and easily reused since they apply logic to objects on the stack.

For example, if this was a word that operated on stack values:

: do-things ( a b -- c d )
    [ sqrt * ] [ swap sqrt + ] 2bi ;

One change we could easily make is to extract and name the two pieces of logic:

: calc-c ( a b -- c ) sqrt * ;
: calc-d ( a b -- d ) swap sqrt + ;

: do-things ( a b -- c d )
    [ calc-c ] [ calc-d ] 2bi ;

We could also convert it to operate on local variables:

:: do-things ( a b -- c d )
    a b sqrt * a sqrt b + ;

And extract those same two pieces of logic:

:: calc-c ( a b -- c ) a b sqrt * ;
:: calc-d ( a b -- d ) a sqrt b + ;

:: do-things ( a b -- c d )
    a b calc-c a b calc-d ;

But, notice that we have to specify that the local variable a and b have to be put back on the stack before we can call our extracted words that make the computations.

Hypothetical Syntax

Today, someone on the Factor Discord server asked about this very issue, wanting to have extractable pieces of logic that would effectively be operating on nested local variables, wherever they are used. Inspired by the goal of don’t repeat yourself and the convenience of extracting logic that operates on the data stack.

Specifically, they wanted to be able to take blocks of logic that operate on named variables, and extract them in a similar manner to the logic blocks that operate on the stack – offering this hypothetical syntax as the goal:

EMIT: calc-c ( a b -- c ) a b sqrt * ;
EMIT: calc-d ( a b -- d ) a sqrt b + ;

:: do-things ( a b -- c d )
    calc-c calc-d ;

Let’s try and build real syntax that allows this hypothetical syntax to work.

Building the Syntax

First, we make a tuple to hold a lazy variable binding:

TUPLE: lazy token ;
C: <lazy> lazy

Then, we need a way to generate temporary syntax words in a similar manner to temporary words:

: define-temp-syntax ( quot -- word )
    [ gensym dup ] dip define-syntax ;

We create temporary syntax words to convert each named references to lazy variables:

: make-lazy-vars ( names -- words )
    [ dup '[ _ <lazy> suffix! ] define-temp-syntax ] H{ } map>assoc ;

Given a quotation that we have parsed in an emit description, we can build a word to replace all these lazy variables by looking them up in the current vocabulary manifest:

: replace-lazy-vars ( quot -- quot' )
    [ dup lazy? [ token>> parse-word ] when ] deep-map ;

And, finally, create our emit syntax word that parses a definition, making lazy variables that are then replaced when the emit word is called in the nested scope:

    scan-new-word scan-effect in>>
    [ make-lazy-vars ] with-compilation-unit
    [ parse-definition ] with-words
    '[ _ replace-lazy-vars append! ] define-syntax ;

Using the Syntax

Now, let’s go back to our original example:

EMIT: calc-c ( a b -- c ) a b sqrt * ;
EMIT: calc-d ( a b -- d ) a sqrt b + ;

:: do-things ( a b -- c d )
    calc-c calc-d ;

Does it work?

IN: scratchpad 1 2 do-things

--- Data stack:

Yep! That’s kind of a neat thing to build.

I have added this syntax in the locals.lazy vocabulary, if you want to try it out.

I’m not sure how useful it will be in general, but it is always fun to build something new with Factor!