Re: Factor

Factor: the language, the theory, and the practice.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

#games #web

Battlesnake is “a competitive game where your code is the controller”. In particular, in answering the question “What is Battlesnake?”, the documentation says:

In this game, each Battlesnake is controlled in real-time by a live web server, responding to the Battlesnake API. It navigates the game board based on your algorithm, trying to find food, avoid other Battlesnakes, and survive as long as possible. Battlesnakes can be built using any tech stack you’d like, and we encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone.

It is also a very neat set of episodes of “Coding Badly” from almost two years ago that talks about building battlesnakes using Factor. In particular, they use a live-coding style to explore the development environment, build web servers using the furnace web framework, and learn how to use and deploy their program!

I did not know about these videos until today, but I thought it makes a nice series to share with the world. I love it when people build things using Factor and am always glad to hear about it!

More information is also available on the @BattlesnakeOfficial GitHub organization, as well as an archive of the Coding Badly implementation and a different Factor battlesnake library by another contributor.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3