Google Search
Sunday, May 15, 2011
A couple months ago, I implemented wrappers for the Google Charts and Google Translate API’s. Today, I’d like to implement a wrapper for Google Search.
First, we should build a word that, given a query, returns a URL to retrieve Google Search results (formatted as JSON):
: search-url ( query -- url )
"1.0" "v" set-query-param
swap "q" set-query-param
"8" "rsz" set-query-param
"0" "start" set-query-param ;
We can define a tuple class to hold the attributes every search result should have:
TUPLE: search-result cacheUrl GsearchResultClass visibleUrl
title content unescapedUrl url titleNoFormatting ;
Using some code to set attributes
we can perform a Google Search, and parse the results into a sequence of
: http-search ( query -- results )
search-url http-get nip json
{ "responseData" "results" } [ swap at ] each
[ \ search-result from-slots ] map ;
We can build some simple words that can be used to format the output of a search:
: write-heading ( str -- )
{ font-size 14 }
{ background COLOR: light-gray }
} format nl ;
: write-title ( str -- )
{ foreground COLOR: blue }
} format nl ;
: write-content ( str -- )
60 wrap-string print ;
: write-url ( str -- )
dup >url H{
{ font-name "monospace" }
{ foreground COLOR: dark-green }
} [ write-object ] with-style nl ;
And then create a word to perform a search and display the results. If you are using my webbrowser vocabulary, you can open the URL’s in a webbrowser directly from Factor.
: http-search. ( query -- )
[ "Search results for '%s'" sprintf write-heading nl ]
[ http-search ] bi [
[ titleNoFormatting>> write-title ]
[ content>> write-content ]
[ unescapedUrl>> write-url ]
} cleave nl
] each ;
Try It
If everything works correctly, you should be able to perform a search in the Listener (e.g., searching for “factor”):
Some things we might do to improve this:
- add paging, to the next or previous page of search results
- highlight in bold the searched words in the content
- unescape the HTML entities in the content
- build a lightweight GUI to render the results
The code for this is on my GitHub.