Re: Factor

Factor: the language, the theory, and the practice.


Monday, June 3, 2024

One of the distinct elements of Clojure that gets discussed on occasion are Clojure Transducers (not to be confused with Clojure Reducers. Specifically, transducers are a type of transformation that allows for composable algorithms using two primary concepts:

A reducing function is the kind of function you’d pass to reduce - it is a function that takes an accumulated result and a new input and returns a new accumulated result, with a reducing function signature of:

whatever, input -> whatever

A transducer (sometimes referred to as xform or xf) is a transformation from one reducing function to another, with a transducer signature of:

(whatever, input -> whatever) -> (whatever, input -> whatever)

In Clojure, the transducer is defined to have 3 different arity functions:

Init (arity 0) - should call the init arity on the nested transform rf, which will eventually call out to the transducing process.

Step (arity 2) - this is a standard reduction function but it is expected to call the rf step arity 0 or more times as appropriate in the transducer. For example, filter will choose (based on the predicate) whether to call rf or not. map will always call it exactly once. cat may call it many times depending on the inputs.

Completion (arity 1) - some processes will not end, but for those that do (like transduce), the completion arity is used to produce a final value and/or flush state. This arity must call the rf completion arity exactly once.

Similarly to Haskell’s stream fusion, this allows for a benefit of eliding intermediate sequences when multiple operations are applied. However, in some ways, they are also quite a bit more powerful.

I wanted to discuss one potential way to build a transducer-like thing in Factor.

Building a transducing function

Our reducing functions are any defined as ( prev elt -- next ) – used with reduce.

Our transducing functions have a similar stack effect, but with several rules:

  • if elt is null, skip applying the reducing function
  • if next is reduced, we can early exit and return it
  • if next is null, we keep the previous result

Note: we have a simple reduced wrapper type to indicate an early exit returns obj:

TUPLE: reduced obj ;

We can build a word that converts a reducing function to a transducing function:

: xf ( rf: ( prev elt -- next ) -- xf )
    '[ { [ over reduced? ] [ dup null eq? ] } 0|| [ drop ] _ if ] ;

A common transducing function is a mapping operation:

: xmap ( xf quot: ( elt -- newelt ) -- xf' )
    '[ @ dup { [ reduced? ] [ null eq? ] } 1|| _ unless ] xf ;

Building transduce

That’s enough definition for us to build our (transduce) word, operating on an identity and then applying the transducing function until a result is achieved.

: (transduce) ( seq identity xf: ( prev elt -- next ) -- result )
    swapd '[
        _ keepd over null eq? [ nip f ] [ drop dup reduced? ] if
    ] find 2drop dup reduced? [ obj>> ] when ; inline

And, for convenience we build ourselves a transduce word that takes a quotation, which is called to compose a transducing function (using make to build up an initialize quotation) and returning a step quotation, and then returning a block of code that calls (transduce) with the null identity.

MACRO: transduce ( quot: ( xf -- xf' ) -- result )
    [ [ nip ] swap call ] [ ] make swap '[ @ null _ (transduce) ] ;

Note: currently this does not implement a complete quotation, but perhaps some future transducing function will require that and we can add it.

This word only operates on sequences, but one could imagine adding support to apply transducers to other kinds of streams of objects including infinite lazy lists.

Building transducers

Using this logic, we can build a bunch of useful transducers with a small amount of code.

  1. A filter transducer skips certain values:
: xfilter ( xf quot: ( elt -- ? ) -- xf' )
    '[ dup @ [ drop null ] unless ] xmap ;
  1. A sum transducer adds up a series of numbers:
: xsum ( xf -- xf' )
    [let f :> n! [ 0 n! ] % [ n + n! n ] xmap ] ;
  1. A prettyprint transducer prints out intermediate values for debugging:
: xpprint ( xf -- xf' ) [ dup . ] xmap ;
  1. A collector transducer collects all results into a vector:
: xcollect ( xf -- xf' )
    [let f :> v! [ V{ } clone v! ] % [ v [ push ] keep ] xmap ] ;
  1. A histogram transducer counts values:
: xhistogram ( xf -- xf' )
    [let f :> h! [ H{ } clone h! ] % [ h [ inc-at ] keep ] xmap ] ;
  1. A unique transducer passes through only unique values:
: xunique ( xf -- xf' )
    [let f :> s! [ HS{ } clone s! ] %
        '[ [ s ?adjoin ] keep null ? ] xmap
    ] ;

And a lot more


Some quick performance tests will show the benefit of fusing multiple operations together. The artificial test case is going to be a word that operates on a sequence, returning the sum of the square of prime numbers, if it is bigger than 5,000.

  1. Using normal sequence operations:
: foo ( seq -- n )
    [ prime? ] filter
    [ sq ] map
    [ 5,000 > ] filter
    sum ;
  1. Using our new transducers:
: bar ( seq -- n )
        [ prime? ] xfilter
        [ sq ] xmap
        [ 5,000 > ] xfilter
    ] transduce ;

And then see how it performs!

IN: scratchpad 1,000,000 100 randoms
               [ [ foo ] time ]
               [ [ bar ] time ] bi assert=
Running time: 0.037218208 seconds
Running time: 0.028653417 seconds

In this case, it’s about 25% faster. Depending on your use-case and how many intermediate sequence operations the transducer is able to eliminate, it could represent a nice speedup as well as potentially a more elegant method.

Some things we can improve upon:

  • provide length hints for cases where we are doing map operations
  • change the reduced and null logic to simplify transducer implementations
  • investigate using with-return to early exit instead of reduced objects
  • consider doing initialization differently than using local variables
  • adding completion logic to do things like free up memory at the end of computation

One of our contributors that uses Codewars experimented with a different approach to transducer words in Factor that is worth exploring as well.

This is available on my GitHub.