Re: Factor

Factor: the language, the theory, and the practice.


Friday, September 8, 2023


Raymond Hettinger, an active contributor to Python and responsible for many useful improvements to the language, likes to tweet short and sweet bits of useful Python knowledge. I stumbled into one fun one-liner from long ago:

I thought I would show how it might translate into Factor. To translate this code into a concatenative language, we are going to work from the inside and move out.

Step 1

We start with the sum of the cartesian product of eight sequences of the numbers 0 through 5:

map(sum, product(range(6), repeat=8))


8 6 <iota> <repetition> [ sum ] product-map

Step 2

Next, we see that it counts each element, and produces a sorted list of items:



histogram sort-keys

Step 3

And finally, create a string of lines of stars and print it:

print "\n".join('*'*(c//2000) for i,c in ...)


values [ 2000 /i CHAR: * <string> ] map "\n" join print


Putting it all together:

IN: scratchpad USING: assocs io math math.statistics sequences
               sequences.product sorting strings ;

IN: scratchpad 8 6 <iota> <repetition> [ sum ] product-map
               histogram sort-keys values
               [ 2000 /i CHAR: * <string> ] map "\n" join print

It makes this nice ASCII Art visualization:
