Writing MIDI Files
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Previously, I wrote about Reading MIDI Files using Factor.
Now, we are going to create a writer for MIDI files in less than 180 lines of additional code.
Variable-Length Quantity
To write a variable-length integer, we first “reverse” it, tagging the 8th bit of each additional byte. Then, we write each byte out to the output-stream.
: write-number ( n -- )
[ 0x7f bitand ] keep
[ -7 shift dup zero? ] [
[ 8 shift ] dip
[ 0x7f bitand 0x80 bitor + ] keep
] until drop
[ [ -8 shift ] [ 7 bit? ] bi ]
[ dup 0xff bitand write1 ] do while drop ;
Note: there is probably a cleaner way to do this. Patches are welcome! ☺
Strings are encoded in UTF-8, prefixed with their encoded length in bytes (as a variable-length quantity).
: write-string ( str -- )
utf8 encode [ length write-number ] [ write ] bi ;
Writing Events
The three types of events will each have to be handled differently. To do this, we will make a generic method that is given the previous status byte (to enable “running status” for MIDI events) and returns the new status byte.
GENERIC: write-event ( prev-status event -- status )
First, we write MIDI events, implementing the “running status”.
: write-status ( prev-status status -- )
dup 0xf0 < [
[ = ] keep swap [ drop ] [ write1 ] if
] [
nip write1
] if ;
: write-channel ( prev-status value status quot -- status )
swap [
"channel" of + [ write-status ] keep
] keep
] dip call ; inline
M: midi-event write-event
[ delta>> write-number ] [ value>> ] [ name>> ] tri {
{ "note-off" [
0x80 [
[ "note" of write1 ]
[ "velocity" of write1 ] bi
] write-channel ] }
{ "note-on" [
0x90 [
[ "note" of write1 ]
[ "velocity" of write1 ] bi
] write-channel ] }
{ "polytouch" [
0xa0 [
[ "note" of write1 ]
[ "value" of write1 ] bi
] write-channel ] }
{ "control-change" [
0xb0 [
[ "control" of write1 ]
[ "value" of write1 ] bi
] write-channel ] }
{ "program-change" [
0xc0 [ "program" of write1 ] write-channel ] }
{ "aftertouch" [
0xd0 [ "value" of write1 ] write-channel ] }
{ "pitchwheel" [
0xe0 [
"pitch" of min-pitchwheel -
[ 0x7f bitand write1 ]
[ -7 shift write1 ] bi
] write-channel ] }
! system common messages
{ "sysex" [
[ drop 0xf0 dup write1 ] dip
write 0xf7 write1 ] }
{ "quarter-made" [
[ drop 0xf1 dup write1 ] dip
[ "frame-type" of 4 shift ]
[ "frame-value" of + ] bi write1 ] }
{ "songpos" [
[ drop 0xf2 dup write1 ] dip
[ 0x7f bitand write1 ]
[ -7 shift write1 ] bi ] }
{ "song-select" [
[ drop 0xf3 dup write1 ] dip write1 ] }
{ "tune-request" [ 2drop 0xf6 dup write1 ] }
! real-time messages
{ "clock" [ 2drop 0xf8 dup write1 ] }
{ "start" [ 2drop 0xfa dup write1 ] }
{ "continue" [ 2drop 0xfb dup write1 ] }
{ "stop" [ 2drop 0xfc dup write1 ] }
{ "active-sensing" [ 2drop 0xfe dup write1 ] }
{ "reset" [ 2drop 0xff dup write1 ] }
} case ;
Next, we write meta events:
M: meta-event write-event
[ delta>> write-number ] [ value>> ] [ name>> ] tri
0xff write1 {
{ "sequence-number" [
B{ 0x00 0x02 } write 2 >be write ] }
{ "text" [ 0x01 write1 write-string ] }
{ "copyright" [ 0x02 write1 write-string ] }
{ "track-name" [ 0x03 write1 write-string ] }
{ "instrument-name" [ 0x04 write1 write-string ] }
{ "lyrics" [ 0x05 write1 write-string ] }
{ "marker" [ 0x06 write1 write-string ] }
{ "cue-point" [ 0x07 write1 write-string ] }
{ "device-name" [ 0x09 write1 write-string ] }
{ "channel-prefix" [ B{ 0x20 0x01 } write write1 ] }
{ "midi-port" [ B{ 0x21 0x01 } write write1 ] }
{ "end-of-track" [ B{ 0x2f 0x00 } write drop ] }
{ "set-tempo" [ B{ 0x51 0x03 } write 3 >be write ] }
{ "smpte-offset" [
B{ 0x54 0x05 } write {
[ "frame-rate" of 6 shift ]
[ "hours" of + write1 ]
[ "minutes" of write1 ]
[ "seconds" of write1 ]
[ "frames" of write1 ]
[ "subframes" of write1 ]
} cleave ] }
{ "time-signature" [
B{ 0x58 0x04 } write {
[ "numerator" of write1 ]
[ "denominator" of 2 /i write1 ]
[ "clocks-per-tick" of write1 ]
[ "notated-32nd-notes-per-beat" of write1 ]
} cleave ] }
{ "key-signature" [
B{ 0x59 0x02 } write
key-signatures value-at write ] }
{ "sequencer-specific" [
0x7f write1
[ length write-number ] [ write ] bi ] }
} case drop f ;
Finally, we write system-exclusive events:
M: sysex-event write-event
[ delta>> write-number ]
[ type>> write1 ]
[ bytes>> write ] tri f ;
Writing a MIDI header and tracks, generically as “chunks”:
GENERIC: write-chunk ( chunk -- )
M: midi-header write-chunk
$[ "MThd" >byte-array ] write
$[ 6 4 >be ] write
[ format>> ] [ #chunks>> ] [ division>> ] tri
[ 2 >be write ] tri@ ;
M: midi-track write-chunk
$[ "MTrk" >byte-array ] write
binary [
events>> f swap [ write-event ] each drop
] with-byte-writer
[ length 4 >be write ] [ write ] bi ;
Finally, words to write MIDI objects, either to a byte-array, or to a file.
: write-midi ( midi -- )
[ header>> write-chunk ]
[ chunks>> [ write-chunk ] each ] bi ;
: midi> ( midi -- byte-array )
binary [ write-midi ] with-byte-writer ;
: midi>file ( midi path -- )
binary [ write-midi ] with-file-writer ;
This is available now in the midi vocabulary.