Morse Palindromes?
Friday, October 11, 2013
There was a fun post today on Metafilter about the longest palindrome in Morse code being “intransigence” (along with other odd facts).
This jumped out to me for a few reasons:
- The first program that many newcomers to Factor create is a “palindrome” detector.
- We have a morse vocabulary for calculating and playing morse codes.
- I blogged about finding longest palindrome substrings awhile ago.
So, maybe we can confirm that “intransigence” really is the longest palindrome!
The basic definition for a “palindrome” is a word that “reads the same backward as forward”. Given that, it’s easy to build a first version that checks this:
: palindrome? ( str -- ? ) dup reverse = ;
However, in our tutorial we suggest building a more robust version that normalizes the input to handle palindromes such as “A man, a plan, a canal: Panama.”:
: normalize ( str -- str' ) [ Letter? ] filter >lower ;
: palindrome? ( str -- ? ) normalize dup reverse = ;
For our morse code palindrome detector, we need to convert our string to morse code, removing extra spaces that the morse code vocabulary adds between letters, before checking for palindrome-ness:
: normalize-morse ( str -- str' )
normalize >morse [ blank? not ] filter ;
: morse-palindrome? ( str -- ? )
normalize-morse dup reverse = ;
The longest word in the dictionary that is a morse palindrome is:
IN: scratchpad "/usr/share/dict/words" ascii file-lines
[ morse-palindrome? ] filter longest .
Wait, that isn’t “intransigence”!
Well, no, but “incalescence” has the same number of letters (13) and happens to be slightly longer in morse code. So maybe it’s a tie, or maybe they should update their trivia!
In fact, there are several “longest” morse palindromes:
IN: scratchpad "/usr/share/dict/words" ascii file-lines
[ morse-palindrome? ] filter all-longest .
P.S., it looks like “Raphaelesque” might be the longest morse palindrome by morse code length.
P.P.S., for some reason /usr/share/dict/words
doesn’t contain the
word “intransigence”.