Re: Factor

Factor: the language, the theory, and the practice.

Manipulating Files

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Java has had historically frustrating API’s for interacting with files. In Java 7, these API’s were cleaned up a little bit. A blog post demonstrates some examples of using these new API’s. I would say, though, that Factor demonstrates a much simpler cross-platform API:

Creating and Deleting Files

To create a file, simply:

IN: scratchpad "/path/to/file" touch-file

To update file permissions (on unix systems), you can use the vocabulary:

IN: scratchpad "/path/to/file" OCT: 666 set-file-permissions

Note: it would be nice to support parsing “rw-rw-rw-” and “g+x” and similar permission strings, and probably not very difficult.

To delete a file, simply:

IN: scratchpad "/path/to/file" delete-file

Copying and Moving Files

To copy a file from one path to another:

IN: scratchpad "/path/from" "/path/to" copy-file

To copy a file, and preserve its file permissions:

IN: scratchpad "/path/from" "/path/to" copy-file-and-info

To copy a file into a directory:

IN: scratchpad "/dir1/file" "/dir2" copy-file-into

To move a file from one path to another:

IN: scratchpad "/path/from" "/path/to" move-file

To move a file into a directory:

IN: scratchpad "/dir1/file" "/dir2" move-file-into