Re: Factor

Factor: the language, the theory, and the practice.

Group By

Friday, April 8, 2011


When dealing with sequences, it can be useful to “group” them based on some criteria into smaller sequences. I couldn’t find a word that quite solved my problem in Factor, so I wrote group-by:

USING: assocs kernel sequences ;

: group-by ( seq quot: ( elt -- key ) -- assoc )
    H{ } clone [
        [ push-at ] curry compose [ dup ] prepose each
    ] keep ; inline


For example, we could use it to split the first 20 numbers into two groups based on whether they are prime or not:

IN: scratchpad USE: math.primes

IN: scratchpad 20 <iota> [ prime? ] group-by .
    { f V{ 0 1 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 } }
    { t V{ 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 } }

Or, we could group the subsets of a string by their length:

IN: scratchpad USE: math.combinatorics

IN: scratchpad "abc" all-subsets [ length ] group-by .
    { 0 V{ "" } }
    { 1 V{ "a" "b" "c" } }
    { 2 V{ "ab" "ac" "bc" } }
    { 3 V{ "abc" } }

Or, group some random numbers by their bit-count:

IN: scratchpad USE: math.bitwise

IN: scratchpad 20 [ 100 random ] replicate
              [ bit-count ] group-by .
    { 1 V{ 32 1 32 4 } }
    { 2 V{ 12 } }
    { 3 V{ 13 74 56 98 44 } }
    { 4 V{ 83 30 45 46 75 77 } }
    { 5 V{ 61 59 61 } }
    { 6 V{ 63 } }

How it works

The Factor code is roughly equivalent to the following Python code:

from collections import defaultdict

def group_by(seq, f):
    d = defaultdict(list)
    for value in seq:
        key = f(value)
    return d

Let’s take it step-by-step. First, start defining a word (function) called group-by.

: group-by

Next, define it to take two arguments, a sequence (list or array) of values and a quotation (anonymous function or lambda) that computes a key for each element, and outputs an assoc (association, map, or dict). Names here are used only for documentation, it could take a foo and bar and return a baz.

( seq quot: ( elt -- key ) -- assoc )

The code inside the word is everything until the “;”. We want to output a hashtable, so we first create one by cloning an empty hashtable (H{ }).

H{ } clone 

We will compose a word that duplicates each element to compute a key that is used to push each element into an appropriate bucket (a vector) in the hashtable. The push-at word has the signature ( value key assoc -- ). For example, if grouping by the length of a string, we want something that looks a bit like [ dup length H{ } push-at ]:

[ push-at ] curry compose [ dup ] prepose

We then, apply this quotation to each element in the sequence:


And, finally, we want to make sure that the hashtable that we created isn’t “consumed”, but kept on the stack as a return value.

[ ... ] keep ;